Laravel lumen GraphQL Server for React Relay Moder

Laravel lumen GraphQL Server for React Relay Moder

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  • 24 enero, 2018

A GraphQL Server in PHP, its core its a fast micro-framework implementation (Lumen), and capable of delivering GraphQL (Relay) API responses.

React-Relay Modern, aka GraphQL v1.*


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On this Lumen version of a GraphQL server implementation you will be able to start coding right away a fully qualified GraphQL server with support for react-relay (Modern version).

With a Laravel heart, on his delighting micro-framework version (Lumen) and a help of a couple of other packages/plugins, we provide you with the basic server setup.

Why Lumen? and why PHP?

Why not my little Artisan? PHP limitations today for a GraphQL server are asynchronous calls, but this are problems PHP programmers been dealing with since the old days, the missing part are the GraphQL subscriptions, this can be resolved using lots of tools, like Redis or NodeJS.

PHP never been so optimized like it is today, its stable, fast and efficient. And Lumen?, because its a masterpiece, a lightweight version of Laravel, sharing same core and data structure. Perfect for building APIs.

For little Artisan like myself this is the perfect atmosphere to understand how things are achieved.

Who is this for?

People wanting to get hands dirty with GraphQL, to serve as a boilerplate to kick-off API projects, a knowledge of Laravel its recommended, at a installation level, not covered here.

Included features

  • Full CRUD example.
  • GraphQL Playground.
  • Database migrations.
  • GraphQl database schema generator and endpoint.
  • User authentication using Passport.
  • Ready to start after setup!

Client Web App

If you work with React we have published for you an application, there you can test all demo features, its a React + Relay based Web App. This is probably best way to have a full picture of what Relay its capable off, in my opinion, one of the best facebook´s open sourced contribution and React´s best friend. 💑

Visit the React Relay – WebApp client.

About El equipo de Sunnyface

En Sunnyface contamos con un equipo profesional de programadores expertos en los últimos sistemas y lenguajes de programación tales como React, React-native, VueJS, Laravel, Lumen, NodeJs, PHP... Trabajamos tanto lenguaje multiplataforma como nativo para programación móvil, Estamos disponible para ser contratado en su próximo proyecto,¿Quieres saber como trabajamos?

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